Prayer Request POR FAVOR🙏

So this’ll be short and sweet. I know it’s been quite a while, but it’s been a jam-packed summer, keeping up with my crew at home, my treatments now at home and any other extras seem to fall to the wayside! Such is life, right?

The scoop:

I’m at the hospital this a.m. for a scheduled appt for the Gamma Knife, non-invasive brain surgery/radiation machine.

Although it sounds pretty freaky, it’s about my fourth time in this machine. They have a mask molded for me that they both meet down with and they have it there waiting for me from any of my past times in this machine. Unfortunately, I am a regular. I will be treated for two small tumors that we’re send from a brain MRI that I went in for just last Tuesday and we reviewed this Monday.

How blessed are we to be able to take care of it this fast and to have this kind of technology within driving distance??

Say whaaaa? (Esplain’ it to me!):

So these aren’t new tumors, my oral chemos are still working! Actually they are preventing new growth!

These tumors were small bits of my original tumors from last year that were there last September that were just too small then to treat. However since these tiny lil buggers were still active cancer tumors, they still have the ability to grow over time yet my chemo can’t touch it but prevent more from forming.

Thus, we have the amazing Gamma Knife orchestrated by radiologist Charlie Woods, head radiologist here at MBP of OLL Hospital in Baton Rouge.

Yes, this is no fun, and will wear me out for the next few days😴😴😴😴. But, not to worry, because as I always say, with all your prayers and God’s grace…

Please, as you see this, comment with prayer intentions for me to offer up before , during and after during recovery.

Those intentions are important to me to get me through. It gives purpose to all this!🙏🙌 Please don’t hesitate! You can message me privately at the email on the home page if you prefer.

Thanks, & God bless


111 thoughts on “Prayer Request POR FAVOR🙏

  1. Praying for you and your family Elise. Please add our family and especially my 15 year old daughter Ellie to your prayer list. She has been battling a brain tumor for over 2 years and her most recent scan showed tumor growth. We have a lot of weighty decisions to make regarding the next steps in treatment.


    • Karyn,
      I’m so very sorry that your family & your daughter have been struggling through this!
      I’m assuming you’ve been to all the docs and heard all the suggestions of where to go, etc.
      But assuming you’ve gone to St.Jude’s, as it seems most family’s that I’ve known well who’ve dealt with this have… do you mind me asking where is she at this point in treatment so I can pray specifically. I have a few friends who’ve young and teenage children have struggled for quite some years and are current survivors of their various forms of brain tumors.
      I’m always curious and intrigued by each persons process and wanting to provide all that I can in support in prayer, commeradery
      To both parents and kids alike as I work in both marriage ministry and worked in teen ministry for much of my life.
      If there’s anything I could do for you, a famiky member or even your daughter, I’d be so humbled and grateful.


      • Hi Elise! For some reason, I didn’t get this before now. I wanted to read how things went for you, and I’m happy that they went well. I love your most recent post regarding the perpetual Mary, Undoer of Knots novena! I’m setting an alarm now to pray along with you all.

        If you’d like to email me, I’d be happy to tell you more regarding my daughter. We really are so grateful for your prayers! My email is


    • Thank you, Cindy!! I know who you are and you’re much more than “the library lady”. You’re also the prayer warrior and Fr.Beau fanclub member since the good ol’ days at St.Anselm when he was there!😉


  2. Hey Elise It is so good to hear from you. You are truly an inspiration.

    Are you still doing Buna Boxes? I would love to help with it if you are.

    We are in the process of buying a home but having some delays. Can you please pray that Gods will be done in His timing and for Him to give us patience. Lol

    Praying for you and your family.

    Much love

    Blessings, Natasia “Mom of 6 Blessings” 504-339-5384



    • We are doing Buna’s Hope💙 and packing the Boxes. I’ve fallen behind a bit these past few months and need to get things back in order!

      I’m hoping to plan another big Community packing Day. Just gotta coordinate that with my new office building and their calendar.
      It will surely be announced soon VIA Team Buna FB and this blog.
      Otherwise, i’ll contact you directly if a group of us go👍


  3. Elise… I’m praying for you and will continue. Your strength and faith is inspiring. Keep it up girlie.

    Please pray for my cousin that is in ICU with diabetic shock.

    Please also pray for children to come into mine and Michael’s life.

    Love and blessings for you.


  4. Elise… I’m praying for you and will continue. Your strength and faith is inspiring. Keep it up girlie.

    Please pray for my cousin that is in ICU with diabetic shock.

    Please also pray for children to come into mine and Michael’s life.

    Love and blessings for you.


    • Thank you, Cindy for being such a loyal prYer support🙏🙏🙏

      I’ll keep your cousin in prayers for sure. Please keep me updated🙏

      As for your future family, I will thank the Lord in advance for the gift of Life that he can and will bless you with one way or another be it by pregnancy or adoption, may he open the doors he wants open and close the doors he wants closed. May He enlighten you, guide you, and give you peace, grace, and LIFE through the gift of motherhood. Mary patron of mothers and mother of the Holy Family, intercede for Cindy and the present and future of the Corrales family and give them peace.
      Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for us.


  5. You and your sweet family are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Please pray for the repose of my Grandmother’s soul, Marilyn Anne Hayden. She passed this week June 25; 91 years young.


  6. For an end to the cancer plague and cure for each and every person suffering with cancer thru the intercession of mighty St. Paul and in Jesus’ name, especially, Lord, bless and heal Elise Angelette. Amen. Thank God Almighty, loving, faithful, compassionate, kind, powerful, heavenly physician! May the Lord send extra plentiful graces, comfort, consolation, and every kind of help needed, esp. what is most needed. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You and GOD got this! Prayers for courage and strength…Prayers for all your care team, too…Many Blessings…


  8. You are the strongest woman I known, and I love you and your family from the bottom of my heart. I will continue to pray for you and your family daily. I’m praying for a quick rebound from this despicable disease. 💕


    • I’m not strong, God is💪 . But I do appreciate that and thank you for praying for my perseverance as I do for you!! May God enlighten researchers everywhere to find the cure for cancer! May our children and grandchildren never face this🙏🙏🙏


  9. Prayers for healing and fast recovery. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Prayer intention: That my husband may be successful in his new career.


  10. My wonderful friend, sending you and your family prayers for healing, strength, courage and lots of love. I hope the surgery went well and was productive. You are amazing.

    Love you,
    Casey (Casem)


  11. My wonderful friend, sending you and your family prayers for healing, strength, courage and lots of love. I hope the surgery went well and was productive. You are amazing.

    Love you,
    Casey (Casem)


    • God is amazing, I’m just figuring out my days one at a time and leaning on Him to tell me what to do🤷‍♀️🙏. Otherwise, I normally can’t even make a decision on what to order at a restaurant without asking the waiter to pick out his favorite for me since I’m so indecisive😂! #truestory


    • Thank you, Lisa, for your prayers! And don’t you worry! Robert, Josh and their families were at the top of my list as I went in the machine as they are every morning and night🙏🙏🙏


  12. Thinking if you and praying for you ! Please pray for one of my family who is going through a very difficult situation right now. Much appreciated dear Elise!


  13. I will offer the graces of the Mass for you tomorrow. Keep the faith. Thank you for your example. Blessings to your family. …
    Could you pay for the following?
    -my husband john
    -my new homeschooling adventures
    -T. Gonzales
    -J. Sweeney
    -Ella, Audrey, and Annie


  14. Continued prayers for you and your family.🙏🙏🙏
    Prayer intention- For my mom whose in ill health and is declining. For hard decisions she is facing.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Prayers for my mom, Cathey, currently undergoing chemo for stage 4 cancer on bladder/lymph nodes. Much love and God bless.


  16. I am sorry I am just seeing this post but I pray for you daily so I trust my prayers blanketed you during your treatment. I am hoping your are currently getting lots of rest and recovering beautifully. My intention request pales in comparison to others, but I am currently following a calling and starting a business. We are launching on ST Zelie’s feast day—and entrusting our work to her intercession. As she herself suffered from breast cancer, I will offer my daily trials in this work for your complete healing. Would you mind just shooting up a quick prayer for God’s will in this endeavor? Lots of continued love and daily prayers will continue your way!


  17. God’s got this! Offering up all my little sacrifices for you today.

    Please pray for my marriage and for my husband’s job search. Thank you so much!


  18. Elise you are in our prayer bowl and we lift u up everyday for God’s healing grace and strength. We Love You So Much! My prayer intention is for my family (including Kayla who was my mom’s heart) and the soul of my beautiful momma who we lost suddenly only after two weeks….I thought her abdominal pain was just a kidney stone, but it was actually her Non-Hodkin’s Lymphoma which had returned and was all over her body this time. God bless you


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