Prayer Request POR FAVOR🙏

So this’ll be short and sweet. I know it’s been quite a while, but it’s been a jam-packed summer, keeping up with my crew at home, my treatments now at home and any other extras seem to fall to the wayside! Such is life, right?

The scoop:

I’m at the hospital this a.m. for a scheduled appt for the Gamma Knife, non-invasive brain surgery/radiation machine.

Although it sounds pretty freaky, it’s about my fourth time in this machine. They have a mask molded for me that they both meet down with and they have it there waiting for me from any of my past times in this machine. Unfortunately, I am a regular. I will be treated for two small tumors that we’re send from a brain MRI that I went in for just last Tuesday and we reviewed this Monday.

How blessed are we to be able to take care of it this fast and to have this kind of technology within driving distance??

Say whaaaa? (Esplain’ it to me!):

So these aren’t new tumors, my oral chemos are still working! Actually they are preventing new growth!

These tumors were small bits of my original tumors from last year that were there last September that were just too small then to treat. However since these tiny lil buggers were still active cancer tumors, they still have the ability to grow over time yet my chemo can’t touch it but prevent more from forming.

Thus, we have the amazing Gamma Knife orchestrated by radiologist Charlie Woods, head radiologist here at MBP of OLL Hospital in Baton Rouge.

Yes, this is no fun, and will wear me out for the next few days😴😴😴😴. But, not to worry, because as I always say, with all your prayers and God’s grace…

Please, as you see this, comment with prayer intentions for me to offer up before , during and after during recovery.

Those intentions are important to me to get me through. It gives purpose to all this!🙏🙌 Please don’t hesitate! You can message me privately at the email on the home page if you prefer.

Thanks, & God bless


111 thoughts on “Prayer Request POR FAVOR🙏

  1. Elise, I will keep you in my prayers along with your family. Please would you pray for my children to come back to the Church? They are all adults now in their 20s and have pulled away from the faith. As of today, my son doesn’t believe in God. Your prayers would be very appreciated. And God bless you, your husband and your beautiful children. Denise Theriot Eagan


  2. I am still in awe of your strength !! Can you please pray for my daughter , Emma, my caboose . She is going in for her yearly MRI on the 8th and we are praying that her cyst ( which they now call a tumor :://) has not grown , and we are even praying it has miraculously shrunk🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻, and that her epilepsy miraculously goes away , or that we find medicines that keep her from having seizures . Thank you!! You are a mighty prayer warrior!! As already , we will continue praying for you and your sweet family 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


  3. May God wrap you in His arms as you undergo treatment today and in your recovery. May the Holy Spirit reign down upon you and your family to continue to be strong! Praying for you.


  4. Continuing my prayers for you, Elise! As you’re praying today, would you please offer a prayer or two for Chad Chisholm? Chad is a young man fighting very hard to overcome the same terrible disease you are battling. Thank you!


  5. Elise,
    You are such an inspiration and a fighter. I have immediately lifted you up to the Lord for the Gamma Knife to get rid of those 2 tumors and that your brain will not be affected. Also, all the praise goes to His Glorious name for continued healing. Gwen and I will continue to lift you up as we have done for several years now.

    God Bless and heal you and give you the joy and peace you always expound in your posts,
    Mitch and Gwen


  6. Thinking of you and praying for you through this process knowing that God’s got this and every little thing is gonna be alright!❤️🙏🏻


  7. I continue to pray for you always. I’ve been wanting to ask you to include my nephew Bryan in your prayer intentions. Godincidence! he is also undergoing Gamma Knife this morning in BR! With everyone praying for you and him this morning that place must be truly in Gods embrace


  8. Prayers for you.
    Please keep my boy, Kolbe, in your prayers ( and safety) through your treatment and recovery. He just graduated high school and heads out to walk the Camino next Wed (July 3), then on to serve with NET Ireland beginning in August. Many thanks. God bless you! 💗


  9. Elise you are in my prayers. My family is at the beach, one of God’s greatest gifts to the world. It is the place that makes me feel small but significant in that God, in his goodness created me and you even though he was already surrounded by such beauty. In this space you and yours are being prayed for with special requests for an easy, problem free procedure and quick recovery.


  10. Please know we are praying for you & your family. Please pray for my children who have chosen to walk away from the church & their family. Also for our financial hardships at this time. Thank you Elise! Bless your heart & your family.


    • U got it. If i might ask your sister’s name for specific prayer, I’d love to jot her down in my intention book🙏

      If you’d like to have a Buna Box care package sent to her and family. Please see the Buna’s Hope Project tab on the info we need and send it to so that we can send her some love, laughter, hope & support💙.


  11. Prayers for my daughter to go full term for this pregnancy. And for full recovery for her husband from serious back surgery. Bless you Elise, you are such an inspiration.


  12. Love You, Elise. Praying as always for you. Will add some extras. Please pray for Maureen. She has developed Graves disease and her baby will be born by C-section on July 1st. She has some complications. She also has 2 Uterus’s. So always tricky. This time she has Placenta Previa. The doctor is concerned because if anything goes wrong like he would knick the placenta because of it’s tight position, he would quickly have to do a hysterectomy. A very tricky procedure for the double uterus. He says he does not want to do that surgery in an emergency situation. So pray for no glitches, please. I know Jesus Will take care of everything, for both of you. Love you dear heart. ~ Barb Agnew


  13. My Grandmother just passed away and we are heading to Lafayette. She lived to 102 years old and always had her rosary in her hand. My prayer intention is for my mother mostly. After my stepfather tragically passed away, she took in my grandmother and cared for her the last 6 years. Thank you!! The Hayes Family is offering prayers for you, Elise!


  14. Please pray for Emily King who is battling cancer.
    Also, my friend, Jake Lemmon, father of four sons, was in a near fatal car accident in April. He has had many surgeries so far and has a long recovery ahead. Please add him to your list.
    I will continue praying for you, Elise! ❤️


  15. Love, hugs and prayers for you!
    Please pray that we sell our house quickly and for a good price. Pray for my husband to have a conversion of heart.


  16. You are truly Amazing and such an inspiration to all of us!! Your continued Strong faith will get you through this with flying colors. You and your Precious Family are in my prayers Daily but will REVE them up today for sure!!!💗🙏🏻💗🙏🏻💗🙏🏻💗🙏🏻


  17. Prayers for you during this go round of treatment and prayers for your family. You have crossed many mountains in the past with GOD right there with you…Hugs to all


  18. Lifting you up in my prayers for a noneventful procedure and a speedy recovery. May God continue to watch over you and hold you me hand during this challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Procedure was smooth, thank you. Home now to recover and convince kiddos to no longer add playdates and sleepovers at our house on the schedule as per docs’ orders. I’m on “brain rest”. 😴👍


  19. I’m praying for you right now, beautiful friend!! You’re amazing and The Lord is doing MIGHTY things through you, His beautiful servant! If you want a prayer challenge, I’ve got one for you. …pray me a husband. A faithful, compassionate, respectful, patient, funny man, who wants children and will be a great father and example to his children and to me. (And if he has dimples, I wouldn’t mind. 😉 Thank you, Eli! The Lord be with you…. XOXO


    • I love this list. 👌😉 Brooke, I truly believe he’s working on this connection for you and your future spouse when the timing is so perfectly right and both hearts are so perfectly open & ready.
      I’m all over this intention, my gorgeous talend UMA-look a like friend!💕🙏💕🙏


  20. May God Bless you with continued strength and grace to face each moment with courage and love!!! You got this, cause HE’s got this!!!
    Much love and hugs to you Elise!!
    Donna Benitez

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  21. Elise and the whole Angelette gang,
    Our prayers are always with you! May God shower you with his graces and power of healing!


  22. Love you Eli! You are in our daily prayers. If you could offer a prayer for my sister, Christa, who’s 38 weeks pregnant at the moment. Thank you my sweet friend!


  23. What a blessing you are to people! I will be praying for you, my sweet friend!
    My prayer request is that you would pray for my husband, Paul. Last November, he was diagnosed with 25% kidney function as a result of his diabetes. This week he was told that he has a heart murmur. We know God is in control. He is still able to work & be a daddy at home. I am very thankful for those blessings. However, I sometimes freeze when I am praying because I want to pray for God’s will but I fear His will is different from what I want/need. This is when I think of you & your ministry. I am so thankful for you, Elise!!

    Much Love from the Hoods!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Praying for you always my sweet friend. Offered up my mass this morning for healing and God speed recovery. Keep my brother in law, Brett in your prayers. He’s carrying some really heavy crosses too.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Elise-
        Pray for those grieving and learning the circle of life – just like in the Lion King – especially for some of my clients who are struggling. Also, pray for my grandson who is 3 months old and also 2 new friends who were born this week! By God’s Grace we are resilient!
        Maybe write a book for us on Buna’s lessons?!
        julie shreve


      • Thanks for each intention, Julie. Congrats and definite prayers for your grandson and friends born this week🎉🎉!
        Book ideas are on the list and in prayer and progress🙏🙏🙏


    • I very much understand what you mean of being afraid to let go to God’s will. That feeling of wondering what He’d do with that kind of control can be frightening!
      But when I thought about how many prayers from the past had seemed unanswered but in grand scheme, God had me covered all along… I started seeing how often He had been in every moment of so many of my roughest patches and I had failed to see him.
      He’s Got us. Sometimes it takes falling hard to have two free hands to let go and reach for him like a child. My case? I had to fall A LOT to learn🤷‍♀️😳😂. #slowlearnerIguess😅😉
      His timing and plans are always better than mine. I can get pretty cocky thinkin’ I’m all that, and I know more than the big Guy.🙄
      And He still brings me back and gives me the grace (& then some)to deal with His new plan 🙌


  24. My best friend Stephanie is going to have gamma knife radiation on a brain tumor in the coming months at MD Anderson in Houston. It is not cancerous, but it has been growing, and the doctors want to stunt its growth. She had surgery to remove much of the tumor a couple of years ago. She’s a little claustrophobic and concerned about the whole process.

    Thank you for being a ray of light and hope and extending God’s love to so many people. May God continue to keep you in His hand and close to his heart so that you can continue to share his love.


    • Tell Stephanie that I’ll be praying for her🙏🙏🙏. Remind her to ask for them to play some good music and to turn the volume up so she doesn’t have to strain to hear so she can relax and be distracted by good relaxing tunes. (I ask for contemporary christian and zone out in prayer for intentions from everyone. It distracts me from my own long time claustrophobia since childhood. Gave it to God, Now… no more claustrophobia!
      God’s grace. Ask and you shall receive!

      Phil 4:6-7 “Cast your cares upon the Lord and you will receive a peace & grace that is beyond understanding!”


  25. Sending you love, light and strength for complete healing and prayers! You are always in our prayers my friend! Hang in there and let us know if we can help!!!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Prayers for you and your family always. Please pray for a friend- Tiffany Holt- who was just diagnosed with stage 3 triple negative breast cancer. Her and her family of 7 just found out June 4 and moved cross country (her husband is military) June 20. As soon as they arrived her son broke his foot- a lot on their plate so prayers appreciated!


  27. Praying our Divine Physician will continue to provide you and your wonderful team of caregivers with all the latest knowledge to zap every tumor.
    Asking for prayers for a dear friend’s sister. Tessie and her husband were crossing a waterway in their jeep. Both got swept away, Tommy made it to shore, rescue team is still looking for his wife, Tessie.


  28. I’ve been praying, Elise! I know the Lord has this. Praying for ALL of you. Know how much you are loved and appreciated. I would ask that you pray for my 34-year-old nephew, John, who has an inoperable brain tumor. Last MRI showed a new spot that they are watching. He has a 3-year-old and his wife suffered a miscarriage one week prior to the December diagnosis. It’s been tough for them but they have a strong faith and much courage. They would so appreciate your prayers. Thank you! May Our Almighty and loving God completely heal you!


  29. Praying for you, as always, Elise! Also, please pray for my mother-in-law, Patsy Stumpff. She fell last week and is in lots of pain.🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻 Thank you!

    Leslie Stumpff


  30. I’ve remembered you and your family in my prayers. Please pray for Ben, my nephew/godson. He’s in ICU with diabetes complications. 🙏🏻


  31. Prayers as always Sis… I have 2 prayer intents of you can. A fellow Steubie U Students son and my foster son joined the military. Natalie’s son in the Navy and Mine in the Army. My son Logan is being deployed to Qatar January 1st for 9 months. Natalie’s son just swore in today. Please pray God will bring them home safe… I love you.. hugs


  32. Sending prayers for peace during your brain rest and recovery!
    My intention- The softening of a family members hard heart and healing of her hurts.
    Keep smiling and fighting Elise!


    • Thank you for your prayers and rest assured that I’ll be adding your intention to your family members healing of hard hearts and hurts through all of this🙌. Remember your prayers and consistent example is where you have the chance to sow and plant the seeds, but GOD will make them grow in His timing. I’ve learned through MANY years of praying for very close family members that we never know what God is doing in them personally when neither of us just don’t know it yet! “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. God’s greatest masterpieces which are normally the most challenging with the greatest outcome … take time. But I’ll pray for you to perservere in HOPE!


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